Whats Your Desire?

There are women of all ages that work in the adult escorting agencies or as independent escorts. Generally, the younger or virginal looking escorts are paid higher in contrast to older women within the profession. Does this mean that all adult women escorts are obligated to have sex or to bed their clients? Of course not, it is still a woman’s choice who she sleeps with and there are always boundaries that clients should understand, but more importantly respect.
As an escort women are essentially selling their time, their personal attentions and the entertainment value of their company. By virtue of which, also can entail sexually based services most times. Now to your client, it can be seen strictly as prostitution, but this is not the correct assumption. Prostitution, on the other hand, is always providing sexual service in exchange for money.
Escorts are most often stereotyped as being sluts that are both beautiful but dumb. This stereotype has been consistently perpetuated in every form of writing, art and theater. It is also the unfortunate result over the years, coming from television, media, music, movies and even video games that depict women escorts in this way.
For the true and generous client, these stereotypes are outdated and in a word, they are wrong. Most all escorts are women who take pride in their looks, but are not vain. Most are physically pretty, charming, a good conversationalist, very intelligent and often highly educated. Some of them have specialized graduate degrees. In fact, the more educated an escort is, the higher her rates. Clients are willing to pay more for smart escorts, than for dumb ones. This is a pretty straight forward and common myth when doing the rounds, especially among people who are not clued in to the realities of escorts and adult industry businesses. An escort provides far more intrinsic value to anyone who is their client. Moreover, an escort does not always need to engage in sex with his or her clients.
Now this is truer today, than in past eras. Mainly because people do not tend to equate the two, as readily. Why men often contact escorts for their purely sexual aspects is understandable. Of course, there are many young ladies, girls and older women, who are escorts. But this is the term they prefer to use, and it is only in name that they identify with it. In reality, they are choosing to only provide sexual services. It can be a very difficult line of distinction to draw between the two. This has always been true of the world’s oldest profession and hence there’s a lot of confusion.
Nothing about being an adult escort should be judged at face value. The women of the modern adult escort industry deserve respect, compassion, generosity and also love. They are providing a legitimate service and can be the best company a man can find, plus they come in all ages, looks and many wonderful personality types. If you find a good lady to be your regular companion, hang on to her and be her friend back. She will be good to you, but also someone you can trust.
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